• Rainwater harvesting
  • Soil Regeneration
  • Water management
  • Water storage
  • Water treatment
  • Renewable Energy
  • Sustainable agriculture and food production
  • Greywater considerations and system design
  • Composting and land restoration
  •  Garden Design

Our goal is to make your pathway to sustainability as easy as possible. We will help you discover the best way to attain your goals within your budget by leveraging the listed techniques in a real-time environment at Lady Bug Acres.


We use permaculture techniques to “green the desert.” We are working to turn marginal desert land in New Mexico into a “food forrest” using very little water, mulching, and chop and drop techniques to regenerate the soil.

Our permaculture farm experiment provides a place to prove our concepts and help educate our clients through a hands on approach. 

  • Planning and designing
  • Energy conservation
  • Fuel conservation
  • Water conservation
  • Power generation
  • Solar heating and power design
  • Pattern observation and site analysis 
  • Urban permaculture
  • Natural Building Construction 
  • Food Forrests